Thursday, December 6, 2012

OK Winter I'm ready!! Sheepskin Boots from Turners Falls Salvation Army - $4, sheepskin Gloves  - Free from NELCWIT Clothes Closet, Sheepskin coat -  A friend's Husband bought it for her at Victoria's Secret and it did not fit so she gave it to me. Wool sweaters and corduroy trousers from Hazel's in Orange - $10 donation  for a shopping cart full of clothes. Over the knee smart wool socks - a gift from my boyfriend. Opened an Etsy Shop, Put a couple of designs on Zazzle with more to come. Posters and ads created for new online Business. One day of snow so far. It looked like powdered sugar on a gingerbread village. The business district is hung with strings of coloured light bulbs, a magic tunnel to walk through. I have been knitting a hat a day for several weeks and you can find them on Etsy. Here is a link to  My Etsy Shop  Have fun and please let me know what you think. My plan is yo post here once a week, so follow me down the path to Harvest And Home

Friday, July 6, 2012

OK I figured it out, where to start I mean.
It's summer so lets start with Ice Cream. Homemade.
Local fruit and sweeteners (Honey and Maple Syrup) 
Organic Raw Milk and Cream. Don't forget your spoon!
This weeks flavour Banana Creme. 

Melon Berry Ice Cream
Canary Melon, Fresh Strawberries, Organic Cream from Pasture fed Cows
Local Honey, Local Maple Syrup, Lemon Juice.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hi Folks!
It's been awhile since I've blogged here and so much has happened that I hardly know where to start.
I haven't really been able to sew very much since my car accident in October 2010. I still design and dream but my creative endeavours are leading me back into music and I am becoming more of a regular at a few of the local open mikes. I have been taking better care of myself and you can check out to see pictures of me now and hear some of my music. You can find me on Facebook just search for Karen Powers. On YouTube my channel is GraphicaSpiritus and I put my videos there.
I am working on getting my neck bck in shape because I really miss making things . To keep my art brain turned on I have been working with watercolors and I will share them with you soon.
OK that's all for now, I promise to be back soon.
Love and Blessings